Finch Lane, Lancashire, WN6 9DT



Welcome to Down in the Forest.

Taking a natural wooded area, we have created a world of adventure for our pre-school children but also for all the children of All Saints Primary School.

Our forest area has been developed over many years. We made use of a natural wooded area at the end of the school's playing field. Over time we have planted more trees, even one for the Queen and the children have made clearly defined pathways, some of which have been enhanced with rope guides, the children like to pull themselves up the steeper areas. The children also define trees that can be climbed or swung from and hiding places within bushes; it is their world.

Along the way we have developed a decking area among the trees, an area where we can lie down and look at the lovely green canopy above our heads and watch the clouds float by or see the squirrels jumping about whilst we listen to the bird song, nature can be magical.

Down in the forest provides children with the opportunity to be at one with nature, but more importantly to be free to explore and investigate, use their imagination, and create in the natural world.

The camp area is where we come together to start and end our day. It’s where we have campfires and cook on sticks and where we can rest.

Adults are there to support children’s learning through their play and to help children to learn more about their world.

It is a forest where children have fun, where they learn new skills, take risks and learn about their own abilities.
