Den building
During these times of staying safe at home, why not build yourselves a den!?
Den building promotes many Characteristics of Effective Learning, such as:
*Thinking of ideas and testing them
*Finding ways to solve problems
*Finding new ways to do things
*Planning ahead and changing strategy if needed
*Engage in open-ended play
*Keeping on trying, persisting with a challenge
It’s fun, exciting, great learning and doing experience and promotes speech/language, role-play imagination and can be done in the comfort of your own home.
Let’s get building!
Online counting games and suggestions for mathematical home learning: ( 3-5 years)
If you are looking for more activities and ideas to keep yourselves and your children busy, here are a couple of links.…/external_view_email.php……/Printing-and-painti…
Den building
During these times of staying safe at home, why not build yourselves a den!?
Den building promotes many Characteristics of Effective Learning, such as:
*Thinking of ideas and testing them
*Finding ways to solve problems
*Finding new ways to do things
*Planning ahead and changing strategy if needed
*Engage in open-ended play
*Keeping on trying, persisting with a challenge
It’s fun, exciting, great learning and doing experience and promotes speech/language, role-play imagination and can be done in the comfort of your own home.
Let’s get building!
Online counting games and suggestions for mathematical home learning: ( 3-5 years)
If you are looking for more activities and ideas to keep yourselves and your children busy, here are a couple of links.…/external_view_email.php……/Printing-and-painti…